Evolved Living Podcast
This is a podcast dedicated to coming together and sharing multidisciplinary and multicultural wisdom from diverse perspectives to support adapting to change holistically and ecologically together with honesty about the messy and imperfect process of ongoing growth, change, and adaptation to the contemporary world.
This podcast seeks to help facilitate mindful, inclusive, and transformative dialog and responsive trauma-informed and responsive action to connect people across the globe toward constructive life-affirming adaptation in context with engagement in a diversity of honest and transparent perspectives and actions in the field.
The information provided in the Evolved Living Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. The views and opinions expressed by the host, guests, or any individual associated with this podcast are their own and do not reflect the views of any formal association related to and Professional Licensing Body or Employing Agency particularly related to Occupational Therapy or Occupational Science, or the Employers of the host and guests.
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Evolved Living Podcast
Navigating the Paradox of Supported Independence in Communication with Nuanced Neurodivergence Featuring Speech Language Pathology Clinical Fellow and Young Hemiplegic Stroke Survivor Ashley Lynn Waldron
This is a very meaningful podcast discussion for me as I not only get to catch up with a dear college friend I also get to deeply explore the occupational impact of how one's life path can evolve after acquiring a profound neuro divergence early in life. Ashley and I's paths in our early twenties crossed quite a bit however I never would have guessed I would ever become a therapy colleague with her over a decade after moving away from Olympia, WA. When I last was actively connected to Ashley's life she was the most prolific fiction and play writer I had ever met. She was destined to become a professional editor and facilitator of creative wonder. Her momentum as a writer was however stunted as it is for many of us with the sudden acquisition of a disabling experience.
At age 25 Ashley acquired a cerebral vascular accident impacting her left side. This occupational disruption ended up fueling Ashley's passion to go back to school. She not only regained her motor function, but she also regained her voice, and new gifts, however, she could not develop these ambitions on her own, it took a village including occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, brain injury support groups, vocational rehab, and the fight to self advocate for her educational accommodations. Connecting with Ashley I couldn't avoid the correlations between her life path and the challenges my friend Paul Johnson a leader in the WA disability rights movement in how hard he had to fight to access the ability to write in general and to access formal publishing in particular. His life story took over a decade to write and I was his support volunteer intern where it took over 2.5 years of active letter by letter word by word typing a revising. Because of Paul, I have learned to never take my voice and mobility for granted. I am so glad I was able to share Paul's work with Ashley with a new foundation of shared meaning as we all interconnected in our experiences of rare young adult neurodivergence and how that impacts and changes access to writing and our relationship to our own voice when you depend on supported communication to express yourself. Paul's family offered consent to continue sharing his story and our time together publically with the goal of inspiring others to tell their stories.
Ashley's Request for community support for survivors of acquired brain injury!
Please help save this wonderful organization through donations and volunteering. Sarah Bellum's Bakery launched in 2017 and officially opened its doors in Multnomah Village in SW Portland in 2018. They provide job training support for adults with acquired brain injuries. They also have volunteer opportunities in speech, occupational therapy, and rehabilitation psychology for students here at Pacific University. Check out the links below. Together we can save Sarah Bellum's!
acquired brain injury workshop/community and nonprofit at risk of closing.
Paul's Publically Published Writing in
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