Evolved Living Podcast
This is a podcast dedicated to coming together and sharing multidisciplinary and multicultural wisdom from diverse perspectives to support adapting to change holistically and ecologically together with honesty about the messy and imperfect process of ongoing growth, change, and adaptation to the contemporary world.
This podcast seeks to help facilitate mindful, inclusive, and transformative dialog and responsive trauma-informed and responsive action to connect people across the globe toward constructive life-affirming adaptation in context with engagement in a diversity of honest and transparent perspectives and actions in the field.
The information provided in the Evolved Living Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. The views and opinions expressed by the host, guests, or any individual associated with this podcast are their own and do not reflect the views of any formal association related to and Professional Licensing Body or Employing Agency particularly related to Occupational Therapy or Occupational Science, or the Employers of the host and guests.
Full Disclaimer: https://swiy.co/engagingOSPodcastDisclaimer
Evolved Living Podcast
Positioning Our Work Today as OTPs in the Legacy of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science History with Dr. John White, Ph.D., OTRL, FAOTA
Free Occupational Science 101 Guidebook
OS Empowered OT Facebook Group
The Engaging Occupational Science Podcast is set to launch in 2023.
This episode is being launched as a promotion of the type of content that is yet to come, and that is included in the Foundations of Occupational Science Asynchronous Online Course and Learning Community designed for US-based OTPs and Prospective OT students who possibly were never exposed to Occupational Science and want to learn more about how this 35-year-old field relates to current and emerging practice in the US and across the globe.
Dr. John White, Ph.D., OTRL, FAOTA, started his career on a trajectory that most of us as US-based OTPs can connect with as someone seeking a stable career with medical prestige while witnessing rapid change to the structure of US social support infrastructure. He initially saw his work as apolitical (without politics) and entered the field without much exposure to OT theory. Later he found himself at the apex of the founding of Occupational Science in the United States at the University of Southern California as a Masters's Student and teacher assistant. There he got exposed on the ground floor to a field that would go to shift the trajectory of his worldview and his life's work. In this interview, we explore together how we can contextualize are positioning in Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science history and create space for transformational learning and the evolution of our practice in the United States in connection to this dynamic international field and perspective.
If you enjoyed this episode you may be interested in signing up for the waiting list for the Foundations of Occupational Science for US-Based OTPs online course and free OS Empowered OT and Engaging OS Interdisciplinary Stakeholder Facebook group community: https://swiy.co/engagingoslinktree
Evolved Living Network Instragram @EvolvedLivingNetwork
Free Occupational Science 101 Guidebook
OS Empowered OT Facebook Group
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